The Magnetic Trap
Often when designing my megadungeon I roll on my table and then stare at the result looking for inspiration. One of the examples I saw said something about magnets, that was all I needed for this: The party will most likely enter this trap room from the south. They see that the bath continues forward but falls away to the left and right. Both walls 1 and 2 can be magnetised (Controlled from a different room) but 1 is magnetised as default. whoever enters the room first will have their weapons pulled to the left wall (if metal) If they decide to hold on then they too will get pulled to the left wall. the sound of metal hitting the metal magnetic wall will make a loud noise triggering undead to enter via corridor 3 . If they just lost a weapon then its not too bad to jump back over. But if they were in full plate, this could be a huge issue. Pinned to a wall as zombies start eating you. While this trap is potentially lethal, there are clear ways to avoid its deadlier conseq...